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Don't have Scan&Solve? Get it now! 7-day evaluation is free


After downloading the installer from the above link, run the installer. If SnSPro was already installed on your computer, it will update the existing folder with the new version.


Scan&Solve functionality is available by typing SnSPro at Rhino's command prompt and selecting a solid or closed mesh on which to operate.

  • SnSPro opens Scan&Solve, starting with the scenario selector.
  • SnSDocs opens the online documentation for Scan&Solve Pro.
  • SnSWeb links to, which contains community resources and help pages.

Tutorial and Interface

For a detailed explanation of the interface controls, see the Controls page in the documentation.

A guide for setting up your first model is shown in Specify a scenario.

quick_start.1495135179.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/05/18 13:19 by will