Supported Rhino Models

Converting a Mesh to a Solid in Rhino

This section describes some of the basic tools available in Rhino for converting a surface mesh into a solid. To watch the full process of importing a mesh into Rhino and converting it into a solid, please view this video.

More documentation on each command is available at the Rhino website, and extensive information on mesh defects can be found here.

Mesh Repair and Union

The following tools are available in Rhino's Mesh menu. The repair tools should be used on every discrete mesh separately before attempting to join the meshes into a single solid.

  1. Apply Mesh > Mesh Repair > Fill Holes to all component meshes
  2. Apply Mesh > Mesh Repair > Unify Normals to all component meshes
  3. Join all component meshes with Mesh > Mesh Boolean > Union
  4. Enter "MeshtoNURB" at the command line to convert mesh to solid
  5. Check that the result is a closed solid polysurface with the "What" command