Linear Static Analysis

Scan&Solve Numerical Model

Scan&Solve™ is a generalized form of the classical Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Classical FEA approximates an idealized theoretical model of physical behavior by breaking up the model or space into small pieces called finite elements. But Scan&Solve™ was developed specifically to liberate FEA from the tyranny of meshing, while preserving most of the advantages of this classical and widely accepted method of engineering analysis. The basic idea is simple: create separate geometric and physical representations of the model in question and combine them only when necessary, without requiring expensive and error-prone data conversions and always using the most authentic representation available. The concept is illustrated below.

The analysis model is constructed on a (typically, but not necessarily) uniform orthogonal grid of space that initially knows nothing about the model being analyzed. It can be thought of as a 3D "graph paper". The usual variety of basis functions may be associated with the vertices of this mesh. Currently, only linear B-spline functions are released. The geometric model exists in the same space, in its native unaltered form, and is not aware of the mesh surrounding it. The usual FEA procedure is then modified at run time to account for the existence of the geometric boundaries, restraints, and loads via the Scan&Solve™ process that eliminates or modifies the relevant finite elements. From the user perspective, the whole process is totally transparent and mesh-free, or more accurately "meshing-free".

Here is the comparison of the classical mesh-based FEA and Scan&Solve™ technology. If you want to know more technical details about the Scan&Solve™ technology, you can find them in this  white paper.