nTop delivers unprecedented flexibility and control over geometry, but when it’s time for analysis, meshing can become a bottleneck. Powered by nTop Core, Intact.Simulation directly loads nTop implicit files without any loss of fidelity, solving directly on the implicit without the challenges introduced by meshing.

Features for nTop customers:

  • Physics: Linear Elastic, Modal, Thermal.
  • Supports implicit, mesh, curve, and voxel geometry, with toolpath support planned.
  • Ideal for complex bonded assemblies and materials like mixed topology lattices, foams, and surface grids.
  • Includes fast linear solving for concept design and precise quadratic solving for validation.
  • Compatible with industry-standard visualization and validation tools.


  • Quickly iterate on implicit designs and detailed lattices without translation, meshing, or simplification.
  • No need to compromise performance versus fidelity on mission-critical geometry.
  • Handles complexity impossible with traditional FEA.

How does nTop integrate with Intact.Simulation?

There are three layers of integration:

  1. In nTop, anyone may set up an Intact simulation similarly to a simulation in nTop. Most nTopology geometry types are supported, and boundary conditions maybe be specified on mesh geometry. This integration configures Intact.Simulation.
  2. Run Intact.Simulation in the environment of your choosing. Intact.Simulation uses the nTop Core beta libraries to directly read native implicit data from nTop. (Note, these capabilities are subject to evolve during nTop Core’s current beta phase.)
  3. Load fields from Intact.Simulation into nTop via point maps, with further data paths planned.

How do I acquire the integration?

Custom blocks to set up Intact.Simulation, including a library to write JSON, are available from Intact. When nTop Core is in production, Intact.Simulation will include it to read nTop Implicit files.

How does Intact.Simulation complement nTop’s FEA tools?

For over half a century, the finite element method has dominated structural engineering analysis. nTop’s traditional FE solvers are best-in-class, providing referenceable results that are highly compatible with upstream and downstream FE tools. However, traditionally FE methods don’t scale well as the complexity of geometry increases, because traditional FEA requires high-quality, body-fitted meshes which may be challenging or impossible to generate on complex geometry.

Intact.Simulation works off of nTop’s both native implicit geometry and explicit geometry such as meshes. Intact.Simulation enables both fast conceptual simulation using coarse linear methods as well as high-fidelity analysis using quadratic elements on a fine grid. In particular, Intact.Simulation can approximate performance of periodic geometry, such as lattices, at any resolution, from fine fully resolved details to coarse resolutions with effectively homogenized behavior.

Intact.Simulation’s boundary conditions are specified geometrically instead of topologically, which makes it easy to swap out different geometry models in the same test harness, validating performance throughout a product or design’s lifecycle.

Learn more!

Please reach out to learn more or evaluate Intact.Simulation for nTop.

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