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Utility Functions

boolSuccess = objSnSScript.SetOutputOnOff(On)

Turns on/off status output from the SnSScript functions.

Boolean OnTrue to turn on status output, false to turn off status output.
Return TypeDescription
BooleanTrue if output has been set as desired.

boolSuccess = objSnSScript.Purge(GUID)

Removes solution results associated with the specified solid.

String GUIDRhino ID of the object.
Return TypeDescription

boolSuccess = objSnSScript.Reset(GUID)

Removes Scan&Solve data from the specified solid.

String GUIDRhino ID of the object.
Return TypeDescription

intFaceIndex = objSnSScript.GetNearestFace(GUID, Point)

Returns the index of the face nearest to the specified point.

String GUIDRhino ID of the object.
Array(double) PointQuery point on or near the face to be picked.
Return TypeDescription
BooleanThe index of the face nearest to the specified point, -1 on failure.

intEdgeIndex = objSnSScript.GetNearestEdge(GUID, Point)

Returns the index of the edge nearest to the specified point.

String GUIDRhino ID of the object.
Array(double) PointQuery point on or near the edge to be picked.
Return TypeDescription
BooleanThe index of the edge nearest to the specified point, -1 on failure.

boolSuccess = objSnSScript.PrintVersion()

Prints the current version of the SnSScript plug-in.

Return TypeDescription
wiki/sns/snsscript/utilities.txt ยท Last modified: 2017/07/14 13:53 by claire