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Restraints and Loads

Restraints are defined as surfaces that have zero displacement. A simple way to think of them is that they “anchor” the object in place. At least one restraint is needed in every simulation to ensure that the model doesn't experience acceleration or movement.

A load is any force that acts on the model. In Intact.Design, these are vector forces, pressures, torques, and gravity. At least one force must be applied to the model for the simulation to run.

Once both of these constraints have been defined, the simulation can run. Quick scenarios are for those doing a simple simulation or those just starting to work with FEA. If a more complicated project needs to be completed, the stress scenario page will walk you through how to simulate more complex loading conditions. For insight on how to run a vibration test, check out the vibration scenario page.

Simulation Submission

After submitting your scenario, it will be added to the queue for's server. The simulation status starts out as Submitted, and changes to Completed once the simulation has completed. You can check on your project's progress on the project page, or just close the page and wait for an email from Intact informing you of its completion. Upon completion, click the completed scenario to see your results. A handy guide to interpreting your results can be found here.

It is also important to note that you can run multiple scenarios for your model at the same time: you don't have to wait for previous simulations to complete in order to queue new ones.

wiki/id/restraints_and_loads.1535573198.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/08/29 14:06 by mike