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Intact.Simulation for Automation (Intact CLI)

Intact.Simulation for Automation is available using Command Line Interface.

Example Blog: Automated Simulation of 300 Design Submissions to GE Bracket Challenge


  1. Sign up for the trial to get access to our software. (The software installer works for both our Plugin for Rhino Grasshopper and CLI)
  2. Our CLI executable is C:\Program Files\Intact.Simulation\intact.exe
  3. Some demo examples (Mesh and VDB geometry).

Typical workflow

  1. Set up the input Json and provide the geometry file (.VDB, .PLY, .STL) and boundary condition faces (.STL, .PLY)
  2. call intact cli
      $ intact -s "path to json file" --save-solution
  3. a successful run will result into a *_samples.vtu result file
  4. You can visualize the result view in Paraview (an opensource program, see more in the documentation in 3)
wiki/id/intact_automation.1699555030.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/09 11:37 by goldy